Make an
impact today

Every step, every day, has an impact on the outcome. Thank you for considering a puppy, and if it’s not the right time for a companion,

Be part of this mission!!

Why give?

  • Nutrition

    Moms and babies are on a very rich diet, blended with supplements, probiotics and nutrition. The brain comes before the body.

  • Training

    I start their development at delivery and progress very specifically in stages to protect their courage, their confidence, their brains and their bodies. This is 100 hands on, ears on, and being ready when they are to take the next steps.

  • Exposure

    Delivery is fun, Moving day to the “big kid” pen is exciting, The many steps they take ONLY matters if I have them ready for the RIGHT home at the RIGHT time. When they are up, they are in training, when they are asleep, I’m navigating this process of finding folks like you.

  • The Pack

    We can’t forget keeping the moms and dads heathy, as WELL as the training dogs I can’t live without. This is a delicate balance of personalities, feeding schedule, Vet visits, vaccinations, worming medications, antiparasitic medications, cleaning supplies and MORE cleaning supplies.

  • The 501(c)(3)

    As the Mission grows, so does the ability to become visible and help others in need. That’s not only civilians, but other breeders, the network of those of us who feel every second of responsibility to manage the lives we brought to life. This is a passion for servitude. We are all farmers, ranchers, activists and with the midnight oil burning, and everyone is asleep.. we are business owners.

  • Sponsorhip

    Your contribution is very meaningful. Knowing how to stretch a dollar because we want to train more or just haven’t had the right family for each personality and ability means the world. We are a community and welcome you to the world of the Italian Mastiff Cane Corso. Thank you.

My beautiful daughter, with a super bright future doesn’t understand the “dirty” lifestyle from the city she grew up in and still thrives in…. Someday she’ll see what mom’s up to.

Her older brother I’ll sneak a picture in at some point.

From my family to yours, Thank you. Every day is the opportunity to do GOOD and let the blood, sweat and tears turn into the smile on another’s face. I’ll do whatever it takes, everytime.

CcFarms, Deon